Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Required Viewing To Get Educated on Modern Evangelical Christians In the USA

I suppose as a former Baptist I get a tad defensive about how people in the Baptist and Evangelical faith communities are dismissed and stereotyped so much. They are also my neighbors so I get a tad tribal.

Russell Moore is one of the those young Baptist evangelical leaders that should be on TV more and quoted more. I also like the fact he engages with Catholics. He first came on my radar at the Making Men Moral Conference which was a conference on Robert George's book Making Men Moral and discussed the Natural Law.

Robert George links this great dialogue they had at Princeton. Moore talks about a huge range of topics from faith, to natural law, to trends in the evangelical community, to the reformed movement in the evangelical world, to Faith and politics. It really is worth watching. One comes away from that video just being a lot better informed about these folks .

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