Monday, March 14, 2011

Vice President Biden Gets His Ashes In Russia


In all Things has a rather cool story on Biden and Ash Wednesday. See V.P. Biden's Good Taste in Literature .

Now I have no comment on the book which might be good or bad. I have never read it. However the Ash Wednesday service and how the pro-life question was addressed is interesting and all things considering appropriate for that venue. IE The fact that it appears Biden is allowed to take communion in the Archdiocese of D.C. and he being in a foreign land. I am not sure how all that works. But it appears the Priest did well in this regard in bringing the subject up this way.

I do appreciate how Joe Biden thought it was important to do this not only for himself but for staff. I just hope his heart can be turned on other matters and that he engages issues within the whole Catholic Social Doctrine of the Church that are before us.

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