Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Catholic Church Weathered 2010 Quite Well All Things Considered

National Review Online has an excellent article up. Catholicism, and the Oceans, Will Survive
2010 was a year of turmoil, and of triumph.

As they say the Catholic Church has had a lot of Chickens coming home to roost this year. Even if established by Christ and thus Holy the members of it are often not Holy at all or are frail and weak. So the facts there are Chickens roosting at all is no shock.

Of course the state of the Church differs from region to region. Despite the all out attempt to indict Pope Benedict in the sex abuse scandal that went to months it failed. Also I think in the USA people are starting to notice that these "new" cases are not new at all but rather old news recycled.

In Europe on the overhand one fears the revelations are just beginning! Ireland is hurting and it appears the rest of Europe will be affect to a great degree.

The USA has been going through this since the early 90's with the worse of it around early 2000. The Church survived and is a much better Holy witness for Christ for it.

I expect the same to happen in Europe. Of course not all is bleak as the article points to the Papal UK trip and of course other things are happening under the radar.

The article mentions China and makes the wise observation the Church will in the end have victory over the communists. We know how this plays out because we have this tragic play time and time again.

I am sure 2011 will have its own series of triumphs and problems(which will have another wave of pundits declaring the Church is at a end). In other words it will be just another typical year in it's two thousand year history till Christ comes again.

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