Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wishing Conservatives Would Quit Quoting CNN’s Jack Cafferty

He was a mean ole ranting blowhard when he was against Bush every single day and my view has not changed since he is NOW a critic of Obama. I can get better political advice and commentary from my pet rock.

Why CNN keeps him I have no clue. It just make Wolf Blizter look bad that sadly has to share a stage with. Not wanting to pick ON MCJ here. Everyone is doing it.
If we keep quoting him then CNN might never get rid of him. His "I am mad as Hell and I am not Going to Take It Anymore" Network routine adds nothing .

1 comment:

James H said...

The Cartoon Network is EXACTLY RIGHT

I have no idea why CNN keeps him. Do people actually enjoy him? I think he is vile and takes aways from what is suppose to be the serious news hour