Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Space Station and Sarah Palin

I saw this incredible article Space Station Is Near Completion, Maybe the End
Plan to 'De-Orbit' in 2016 Is Criticized
in the Washington Post. It is amazing after spending billions we are about to crash the darn thing to earth. This is one affect of the gutting of the space programs.

There is a extreme irony in this. We watched Huckabee and Brownback and every other Republican asked about their views on Evolution non stop as if they were running for School Board President. We see Jindal criticized as anti Science. Then the left made absurd claims that Governor Sarah Palin was anti science and if she was elected Science education would suffer and we would go into the dark ages..

Yes the pure science and inspiration we get from the Space Program is being decimated by the Obama administration. Yet hardly a peep from the left and all those GOP critics.

Sad Sad Sad.

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