Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Regarding Scalia's Comment About Being A Catholic and a Judge

The Deacon Bench has the quote From Scalia up that we hear from time to time. See Quote of the day

I wished the Deacon's Bench would suggest to people to go to the First Things link he has highlight under the Scalia name to see what this means in context. I am afraid people would just move after seeing the quote

That link has a good quote by Prof Garnett of Notre Dame

To be a Catholic judge . . . is to be a judge in the way a Catholic, like everyone else, should be a judge: To take seriously one's obligation to decide impartially, to submit to the rule of law, rather than one's own preferences, and to have an appropriate humility about the task one is charged to perform. Obviously, this is not a distinctively Catholic way of judging, . . . but it is, I think, the way a Catholic should judge. It's also the way Justice Scalia thinks he should judge and, I'm confident, he thinks this way (at least in part) because he is a Catholic."

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