Friday, March 27, 2009

How to Strike at Notre Dame Scandals- Its Football and Sports- Stop the Recruits

As we see that Notre Dame is about to give a honorary degree in laws of all people Obama what to do

Simple strike at the heart of Alumni and many of what matters to them . That is Sports. Bishops in their various Diocese that are feeder schools for Notre Dame Sports should direct their Coaches not to cooperate with Notre Dame as to possible recruits.

That will get the Alumnis attention quicker than the whole Culture of Death argument. Maybe Charlie Weiss will have a bigger impact than the Bishop of South Bend who they wish to ignore.

Jeopardize that all Holy NBC contract they have and the whole program falls apart since they are not in a conference. Hit them where it hurts. The Bishops can do this in a very easy way since they don't give a damn what the rest of the American Catholic world thinks

1 comment:

James H said...

Mantra first thanks for coming by

If this was a few decades ago would Noptre Dame be inviting Goerge Wallace to Notre Dame if he was President? THe President in just a the first 60 days has stuck his thimb in Catholics eyes by hs policies.

You say in your piece "Abortion has nothing to do with running our country at all". In the the first 60 days he has reversed the Mexico City policy put inot positions of power some of the most pro-abortion extremists, is about to repela the concious clause, supports the Freedom of Choice of Act that might make Catholic hosptials close, and I am not even getting inot the Stem cell problems

We are not even 3 months into the Adminsitration. If he was coming to LSU or Unnof Penn I would not be complaining. But why as Catholics should we not complain about this?