Monday, September 22, 2008

The Governor Sarah Palin Smear Movement Exposed ( More Hope and Change)

If there is one political link of mine I hope you read then I hope it is this one. The Godmother of the Catholic Blogsphere , The Anchoress has a must read post at Astroturfing Palin & Race-baiting, & more.

Yep it is dirty. This whole tragic episode reminds me when the State Democrat Party of Louisiana tried to twist Governor Bobby Jindal's statements on his Catholic Faith against him in rural Protestant North Louisiana. This is like that but a thousand times worse and on a national if not really worldwide scale.

I feel it will have the same outcome. My largely Protestant, Evangelical Neighbors were appalled they were using Bobby's Catholicism against him and were shocked that the Democrats thought they were such bigoted rubes to buy it. The same thing I hope will happen here.

Anyway Plain is feared because she does things like attracts 60,000 people a battleground state of Florida political rally on a Sunday afternoon. (see the anchoress link for details).

The report that the Anchoress links appears to be well done on its research and I say that as someone involved in researching "astroturfing activities " before. The fact that this stuff is now rapidly going down the internet memory hole also shows people know the gig is up

It will get worse.

The Anchoress also has another must read piece for all us rural folks(among others) and the election. Go see Election ‘08 re-defines everything

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