Tuesday, July 22, 2008

London Times-Eventually, we will all hate Obama too

LOL, Tip of the Hat to Pro Ecclesia again.

I have linked him twice today for good finds. Though I might take a more critical look at one of McCain related later post later.

Obama is currently on his European Love Fest tours and no doubt both the Continent and Mother Country will lap him up ofr various reasons. However I have followed politics and the media long enough to under the love/hate relationship. If one listens too London Talk Radio one would think we are bunch of dangerous religious zealots over here akin to the Taliban.God only knows ewhat they are saying in Languages I do not understand

However one London Times Columnist puts a little bit of reality on a POTENTIAL Obama White House at

Eventually, we will all hate Obama too
What makes
America such an indispensable power is precisely what makes anti-Americanism inevitable

Needless to say I predict one area this will hit will be on Obama's view of trade. Lets hope we don't have to deal with that and get McCain in. Anyway good read

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